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2. Shutova, M. (2022). Concept of Engl. courage / Ukr. хоробрість as stereotype of ethnocultural mentality of Ukrainians and English. LANGUAGE. CULTURE. DISCOURSE: Monograph. Kharkiv. DOI: 10.15587/978-617-7319-60-2.6 (Indexed in Scopus)
3. Shutova, M., Mudrynych, S., Tsymbalysta, O. (2023). Linguistic Means of Reflection of Characters’ Mimic Gestures in the English Literary Texts of the XIX Century. Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature. 2023. Vol. 15. Issue 3. C. 797 – 812.
4. Lyubymova, S., Shutova, M. (2024). Virability of Sociocultural Stereotypes in American Media Discourse. Cogito:Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Bucharest : 2024, 16 (2) С. 234 – 253.